Sunday, January 31, 2010

Book Review: "Connect" by Jonathan McKee

A few days ago I finished reading a book called "Connect" by youth pastor, Jonathan McKee from The Source For Youth Ministry. Here are my thoughts...

Connect is an invaluable resource that every Christian youth worker, missionary, pastor and volunteer should spend time to read. The teachings presented within this book greatly outlines what effective youth ministry should be like. Jonathan not only presents the six types of students that exist, but he illustrates how to reach each one of these effectively.

So many youth ministries these days are simply "Kiddie Corrals." They are glorified babysitters that do nothing more than entertain the halfway interested. When we keep a teenager from getting addicted to drugs, getting pregnant, or getting out of church, we have succeeded. Christ expects so much more!

Connect teaches us how to, well, connect with our young people and effectively move them toward discipleship and eventually ministry.

You can find the book on Jonathan's website here or on Amazon here.