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Thursday, September 2, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Going Forward
Life, as we know it, is constantly changing. Time is continually flying by in a whirlwind of perpetual transition. There is no way to humanly stop this process, nor is it reasonable to expect it to not come to pass. Life will change.
So many times, the problem comes when we do not prepare ourselves for this change. We assume, in the ignorance of our minds, that everything will continue on as "normal." So, when change does come, it catches us off guard and we end up falling backwards.
As Christians and followers of the Lord, we can know that HE is the only stability in which we can trust. He is our Rock. He is our Firm Foundation. He is everlasting and forevermore. He will not change. It is a fact. That being said, we must know that His will for our lives will still carry us through episodes of change, and this is a good thing. It's common knowledge that what a man faces in his day-to-day life, a small child could in no way handle. In the same way, what I face today could be a trail and test that I would have failed in the past. God is constantly trying to equip us for each battle, each storm, each test that comes our way. We must learn to embrace Christ and the change that he desires to carry us through. We must determine to Go Forward.
What brings on all of these thoughts? My wife. Yesterday I was out visiting some families for our Spanish Church with Aubrie; we had some wonderful visits and made some great contacts. And as we were walking, driving, sitting and talking, I watched my wife and couldn't help but to realize that our lives are about to drastically change. We have a baby on its way, due in just over 6 weeks. There is no doubt that change is on its way. I have watched my wife during the past several months and the stages of changes that she has faced--physical, emotional, mental, even spiritual. God has been preparing her, and us, for our new little addition to the family.
Change comes in all shapes and sizes, but the challenge lies here; what will we do when change takes place in our lives? Will we embrace it, acknowledging God's hand in our lives, and go forward? Or will we disregard it and, essentially, go backwards? Will you allow Christ to form you into a vessel of honor, fit for the Master's use? Or will you rebelliously ignore His will, ignore His plan, ignore His working in your life to prepare you for what's to come? Change is coming. What will you do with it?
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Book Review: "Connect" by Jonathan McKee
A few days ago I finished reading a book called "Connect" by youth pastor, Jonathan McKee from The Source For Youth Ministry. Here are my thoughts...
Connect is an invaluable resource that every Christian youth worker, missionary, pastor and volunteer should spend time to read. The teachings presented within this book greatly outlines what effective youth ministry should be like. Jonathan not only presents the six types of students that exist, but he illustrates how to reach each one of these effectively.
So many youth ministries these days are simply "Kiddie Corrals." They are glorified babysitters that do nothing more than entertain the halfway interested. When we keep a teenager from getting addicted to drugs, getting pregnant, or getting out of church, we have succeeded. Christ expects so much more!
Connect teaches us how to, well, connect with our young people and effectively move them toward discipleship and eventually ministry.
You can find the book on Jonathan's website here or on Amazon here.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Adive To New Missionaries
This is shared from Austin Gardner's blog here. It was a help to me so I thought I'd pass it along. Enjoy and God bless!
Advice To New Missionaries...
"Missionaries often mistake plunging into ministry for plunging into culture. They pay for a fast trip through language school by enduring years of slow and pain filled ministry. Some are disillusioned and discouraged when what were great ministry skills and experience in the US are not immediately useful overseas.” Let me add you must pay the price to learn the language. Decide now that if it means two years of language study that you will do it. Pay the price. Spend time with the people. Learn to laugh at yourself. But by all means get the language.
"I would strongly like to suggest to each of you that you find someone who knows how and what to do and learn from him. For those of you who believe that God has called you to missions you need to become your pastors right hand so that he can train you and help you to mature and develop your character. Then once you arrive on the mission field I strongly suggest that you get personally involved with a veteran missionary who can really help you and train you. Things are different on the mission field. Be willing to learn.
“I just read about a young lady who was willing to pay the price to adapt to the culture where she was and so she learned to eat hot sauce on rice by adding one drop each day, but she learned. It wasn’t necessarily what she wanted but the price she paid to be able to win her adopted people.”
Advice To New Missionaries...
"Missionaries often mistake plunging into ministry for plunging into culture. They pay for a fast trip through language school by enduring years of slow and pain filled ministry. Some are disillusioned and discouraged when what were great ministry skills and experience in the US are not immediately useful overseas.” Let me add you must pay the price to learn the language. Decide now that if it means two years of language study that you will do it. Pay the price. Spend time with the people. Learn to laugh at yourself. But by all means get the language.
"I would strongly like to suggest to each of you that you find someone who knows how and what to do and learn from him. For those of you who believe that God has called you to missions you need to become your pastors right hand so that he can train you and help you to mature and develop your character. Then once you arrive on the mission field I strongly suggest that you get personally involved with a veteran missionary who can really help you and train you. Things are different on the mission field. Be willing to learn.
“I just read about a young lady who was willing to pay the price to adapt to the culture where she was and so she learned to eat hot sauce on rice by adding one drop each day, but she learned. It wasn’t necessarily what she wanted but the price she paid to be able to win her adopted people.”
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
How Deep The Father's Love For Us!
I can't seem to get this song out of my head this morning so I am going to share it with all of you also. What an amazing thought about an amazing God. His love is deeper than we can ever imagine! Enjoy...

How deep the Father's love for us
How vast beyond all measure
That He would give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One
Bring many sons to glory
Behold the Man upon a cross
My guilt upon His shoulders
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished
I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no powr's, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom
Friday, November 20, 2009
In the blogging world, there are many types of writers. There are those that post up to the minute news announcements, these can be referred to as the Minutemen. Then you have those that post a daily dish of deep insight, you can call these Deep Thinkers. Of course, you can't forget the weekly update type, these go by the title Just-The-Fact'ers. Then you have people like me--The Oh-Yeah-I-Forgot-I-Have-A-Blog'ers. Yes, it really has been since April since I've posted anything at all. Wow.
Brief update:
•I was married in April to my wonderful wife, Aubrie. I know, it's hard to believe she actually said "Yes!" God really gave me what I needed in a wife! She has been a huge blessing and is a big help and encouragement to me each day.
•In June the Lord finally came through with a job that I have really been enjoying since. I have been working under the Public Health system, working with Hispanic families with special needs children. This job definitely fits the bill for what was necessary for us to continue working at Lighthouse Baptist Church as Spanish Pastor ( ), and has actually taught me many things about ministering to people, organization, Hispanic culture and life. I have the great opportunity to share my faith on nearly a daily basis with people, both coworkers and clients' families. Not to mention the hours are wonderful. Thanks, God!
•In August--on my birthday no less--my wife broke the news to me that we are expecting!! We are thrilled that God has counted us faithful and worthy to be parents, and we ask Him daily to give us the wisdom to be the parents we need to be. We actually found out yesterday that we are having a GIRL! Praise the name of Jesus! I'll (try to) keep you updated with how this is going.
•In October we celebrated our Third Anniversary in the Spanish Church, Iglesia Bautista El Faro in Dawsonville, GA. It is hard to believe that time has flown by as quick as it has. I suppose that this is life in general -- just a vapor. We had a wonderful service with around 30 people in attendance and a great day at the park afterward. God has continued to bless our efforts and we are seeing new visitors almost on a weekly basis. You can keep up with what is going on at the church at my other blog, . It is in Spanish, but I'll be posting pictures there too--those can easily span the gap if you don't know too much of the language.
•November has been a great month for us as well. Aubrie is doing well in her pregnancy and is not quite as queezy as she was during the first few months. Keep praying for us as we continue this awesome journey called life, and now with our new little passenger along the way.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the life of the Vances. Maybe the next post will be sometime before the baby is born in April. ;-)
May Christ Be Magnified,
Aaron Vance
Philippians 1:20-12
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Time Flies!
It is official. I am a bum. Seems time flies when you're having fun. And when you're super busy I suppose. So much has happened since my last post. Here is a brief update of my life.
First of all, I'm am pleased to announce that I will be leaving tomorrow evening for Ashland, Ohio where I will gain a teammate in this game called life. I'm getting married this Saturday!! Can you believe it? There really are too many stories and not enough time to really enumerate all that God has done in the past couple weeks. To make a long story short, I haven't had a full time job since february and Aubrie's job isn't that hot, but the Lord has really provided in amazing ways! Just seeing his hand work in our lives makes me so excited to be called his child. We've seen him provide financially and spiritually countless times. I can't wait to see what he's going to do next!
Spanish church is going well and we had a great Easter service a couple days ago. Many were able to participate in the Lord's supper for the first time and it was such an exciting time. Keep praying God's will is done there, and that he would give me the wisdom to pastor and lead as I should. I'm growing, learning and practicing and I love it!
OK, that should be all for right now. Be sure to pray for Aubrie and I as we travel this weekend. Not only do we have a 12 hour trip to Ohio, but we've got a 20 hour trip to Miami for our cruise then another 11 hours back home. Good thing I'm a fan of road trips. I'll be sure to update you all when we return. God bless!
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